Murray Middle School
Grades 4-8

The Murray Middle School website is your official source of information about our schools and our students. We work hard daily to uphold the long tradition of academic excellence that has been in existence in our district since 1872. We provide a quality education in a safe and caring family-like environment and have transformed our campus into a school facility suited for the twenty-first century and its growing population.
Our school services students in grades 4-8. Our small class-size and dedicated staff provide a positive learning environment that allows our students to have academic success.
Each school day begins at 7:55 and ends at 3:00. If you need anything, please do not hesitiate to contact us at (270) 753-5125!

More information can be found on the Kentucky School Report Card:
Murray Middle School Report Card
801 Main Street
Murray, KY 42071
(270) 753-5125
(270) 753-9039(FAX)