Financial Information

District Financial Audits
KDE website

Local school districts are audited annually by independent certified public accountants (CPA's). The results of the audits can be reviewed on this webpage on the Kentucky Department of Education's website.

Annual Financial Reports
our district's financial activity

The audited financial statements represent the district's financial activity for the fiscal year, July 1 through June 30. Each year's statements have been audited and follow both Kentucky and United States governmental accounting requirements.

Monthly Financial Reports
revenues & expenses

The Murray Independent School District published monthly financial reports that indicate revenuse and expenses for that fiscal month. These reports are made available following the monthly board meetings.


Bid & Proposal

If you are interested in bidding with MISD, feel free to access the opportunities we currently have available. if you prefer to have a copy via U.S. Mail, please contact the Purchasing/Bid Department at (270) 753-4363.

Photo of Lisa Harris

Lisa Harris

Finance Assistant - Health Insurance Coordinator

  • 270-753-4363
Photo of Sarah Kaegi

Sarah Kaegi

Finance Officer

  • 270-753-4363
Photo of Debora Walker

Debora Walker

Payroll Officer

  • 270-753-4363