Get more information about Mountain Comprehensive Care Center.
Counseling Services
- Bridges Family Center- located on Hwy 121 N Bypass in Murray, offers many types of counseling services for the whole family.
- Emerald Therapy Center - located on Poplar Street in Murray, offers many types of counseling services for the whole family.
- Mountain Comprehensive Care Center - located on HWY 121 N Bypass in Murray, offers many types of couseling services for the whole family.
- Murray State University Counseling Office - located on the campus of Murray State University, offers many types of services to University students, faculty, staff and their families.
- National Suicide Prevention Hotline - 1-800-273-8255
- SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)
Teen Issues
High school can be a very trying time for both students and their parents. Here are some on-line resources that may be helpful to your family.
- American Association of Suicidology – data, resources and links
- by parents for parents – parenting resources for parents of teens
- TeensHealth – provides accurate, up-to-date health information that’s free of “doctor speak”
- Teens with Problems – solutions and guidelines on how to deal with an adolescent who is having severe problems
- Tips for Coping with a Disaster or Traumatic Event
- Warning Signs of Abusive Relationships
Drug/Alcohol Resources
Unfortunately, drug/alcohol use and abuse is on the rise for the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Here are some on-line resources that may be helpful for your family.
- Four Rivers Behavioral Health – local agency providing comprehensive, integrated mental health, substance abuse and developmental disability services to promote the health and quality of life for consumers – main office located in Paducah, KY
- Bullying and Substance Abuse: Who It Affects and Why - Bullying can lead to physical violence, mental health problems and other life difficulties. It’s also a risk factor for substance abuse.
- Guide for Parents of Addicted Teens - 90 percent of people with addiction began using alcohol or other drugs before turning 18.
- Alcohol & Teens – information about teen alcohol abuse causes, symptoms, signs & risk factors
Job Corps
Job Corps is a free education and training program that helps young people learn a career, earn a high school diploma or GED, and find and keep a good job. For eligible young people at least 16 years of age that qualify as low income, Job Corps provides the all-around skills needed to succeed in a career and in life. If you or someone you know is interested in joining Job Corps, call 1-800-733-5627 where an operator will provide you with general information about the Job corps, refer you to the admissions counselor closest to where you live, and mail you an information packet.