Murray Independent School District News
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April 01, 2021 MISD Stakeholders, After regular afternoon dismissal, Murray Middl...
Dr. Alyx Shultz, chair, agriculture science, MSU Hutson School of Agriculture, along wi...
Murray Independent School District Awarded TVA STEM Education Grant Picture one: (fr...
In a special ceremony inside the Murray High School Library,...
Chase Renick, a junior at Murray High School, has earned a 36, the highest possible ACT...
Murray Middle School’s five-member Science Bowl team will compete in DOE’s ...
During a special ceremony inside the MHS Library the Murray Independent District FFA wa...
February 26, 2021 Students, Parents, Teachers, and Staff of the Murray Ind...
The Murray Independent School District Food Pick Up service will be offered Friday, Feb...
MISD Stakeholders, There will be NO In-Person Instruction in the Murray Indepe...
The MISD “Special Called” BOE Meeting scheduled for tonight (02/18/21) at 6...
MISD Stakeholders, There will be NO SCHOOL in the Murray Independent Schoo...
April Adams, MISD Food Services Director, announced Meal Pick for Wednesday, February 1...
MISD Stakeholders, Murray/Calloway County is under a WINTER STOR...
MISD Stakeholders, (There will be no NTI or In-Person Instruction Monday, February 1...
February 11, 2021 Murray Independent Stakeholders, Due to ice accumulat...
February 10, 2021 MISD Stakeholders, Murray/Calloway County i...
Due to the inclement weather forecast for Thursday (02/11/21), the MISD Regular BOE Mee...
MISD Stakeholders, Due to COVID-19 concerns, the Murray Independent School...
February 08, 2021 Murray Independent Stakeholders, On Februar...
Murray and Calloway County FRYSC Leaders-(from left) Morgan Carmen, FRYSC coordinator-(...
Murray Independent School District Awarded TVA STEM Education Grant Murray, Ky., Feb...
Murray Preschool/Head Start and Early Head Start will hold registration for the 2021-20...
Murray, Ky., February 3,2021---------Murray High School senior,-Sebastian Law...
The Murray Independent School District salutes our school counselors who nurture and gu...