Murray Middle School: (front row left to right): Nicholas Garnett, Natalia Price and Trinyte Merrell (back row left to right): Rayan Khalil, Ryleigh Jones, Cheyanne Taggart, and Joel Kerrick and the i Mrs. Butler, Attendance Secretary.
Murray, Ky., Sept. 8, 2023--------The Murray Independent School District will support Kentucky’s statewide “High Attendance Day,” Wednesday, September 13 at each of their respective schools (Murray Elementary, Murray Middle and Murray High). Attendance Day sponsored by The Kentucky Directors of Pupil Personnel will offer competition and incentives to reward students for their attendance. All schools in Kentucky are in competition with each other to have the greatest percentage of students present that day. On High Attendance Day elementary, middle, or high schools may compete in small school or large school categories. Awards will be determined statewide based on each individual school’s performance, regardless of its district’s performance. The school in each category with the highest percentage attendance for that day will be awarded $500. Just last year, Murray Middle School was recognized as the top Kentucky middle school in the large middle school division for highest attendance receiving a 98.77 percentage and $500.
To support high attendance day, National Walk to School Day will be held in conjunction with high attendance day for MMS students. Students and families are encouraged to walk from their homes to school, while all students are invited to walk from the U.S. Bank location on Main Street or from the town square near New Life Christian bookstore. Students may be dropped off at these two locations beginning at 7 a.m. and the walk will begin starting at 7:30 a.m., with an end the day with pep rally in Ty Holland. The pep rally will include playing competitive games between students/staff and giving away numerous prizes students who have been in attendance all day who are eligible to win numerous items donated during a drawing.
Teresa Butler, MMS attendance clerk, gets excited each year for this day. "This is a true day of celebration when we can celebrate all the students and give away all kinds of prizes to the students," she said. "This is a day to have fun and teach the students the importance of attendance, no matter if you are at school or when you get out and go to work. Students need to learn that no one succeeds at anything if you don’t show up."
Murray Elementary School is hosting, “You Moose Be in School” on Wednesday. Students in attendance will have their names put in homeroom drawings for lots of prizes, including a stuffed moose, Cracker Barrel Kids’ Meal Certificates, and bubble wands. At the end of the day, there will be big grade level drawings for bigger prizes including bikes and scooters. Murray State Racer Athletes will talk with students at breakfast, and homerooms with one-hundred percent attendance will earn an extra recess, while Wednesday's recess will involve a special treat. "Attendance is so important and Wednesday, we are going to show that Murray Elementary School has great students with great attendance," said Denise Whitaker, MES principal.
Andrea Morris, Murray High School The Den Youth Service Center Coordinator, said a free cappuccino bar will be set up in the lunch room from 7:30- 8 a.m. to encourage early arrival and prepare for school. Students attending Wednesday will be eligible for a drawing of gift cards from area businesses including: Marshalls, Ribbon Chix, Carey’s Boutique, Buff City, Game Stop, and Starbucks.
Tony Jarvis, MHS principal said every day is considered high attendance day. “However, we are excited about rewarding our students for all their efforts to be at school every day,” he said.
Winning schools will be announced at the Kentucky Directors of Pupil Personnel Conference. Awards will be determined statewide based on each individual school's performance, regardless of district. Murray Independent School District students are urged to honor High Attendance Day Wednesday, September 13. The event is meant to encourage and stress the importance of school attendance. Attendance is directly correlated with the students’ opportunity to succeed, and this event is meant to foster positive attitudes about the importance of school.