Picture two: Murray Middle School Bring Joy Club members, along with Analise Renfroe, Deaf Spelling Bee second place state winner , present board members with a thank you card for their services signed by MMS students. (back row from left: Robyn Pizzo, Coy Samons, MISD superintendent, Gina Winchester, MISD board member, Dr. Richard Crouch, MISD board chair, Shawn Smee, MISD board vice chair). (front row from left: JJ Lopez, Jackson McCann, Clara Grace Compton, Ally Mae Compton, Emeri Whipple, Laine Whipple, and Renfroe.
The Murray Independent School District Board Honored This Month
As Kentucky observes School Board Recognition Month in January, Murray Independent School District is joining in the celebration.
Dr. Richard Crouch, chair, Shawn Smee, vice-chair, Gina Winchester, and Robyn Pizzo are among the more than 850 school board members in the state’s 171 local school districts being recognized this month for their service. During the January 12, 2023 Murray Board of Education meeting, these members were recognized for their service. During the meeting members were given appreciation cards from Murray students, and a video produced by members of the Murray Middle School Bring Joy club was presented thanking board members for their service. (The Bring Joy Club is the STLP project of sixth graders to bring joy to the Murray schools and community).
This is the perfect time to thank school board members for serving in a role that has become increasingly complex, said Davonna Page, president of the Kentucky School Boards Association and member of the Russellville Independent school board. “Members of the Murray Independent School District Board of Education are elected to shoulder important district decisions and to ensure success of all students,” Page said. “Among other responsibilities, the local board oversees a $24 million budget, adopts policies based on ever-changing education laws and closely monitors the strategic direction of the school system. All this while completing hours of professional learning and state-mandated training.”
“Our board team works to give every child access to high quality teaching and learning while maintaining the tradition, pride and excellence of the Murray Independent School District. Our community should be very proud of this team of board members,” stated Coy Samons, MISD superintendent.