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MISD Releases Updated Statement from MISD Superintendent

MISD Superintendent Releases Statement

Updated Statement from Coy Samons, MISD Superintendent

November 12, 2020

Students, Staff, & Families of the Murray Independent School District,

Murray/Calloway County’s incident rate for COVID-19 continues to remain in the red (critical) level of disease activity. At this level, schools are advised to suspend in person instruction until the county returns to a lower level of disease activity.

Murray Independent Schools K-12 Students & Preschool/Head Start Centers will remain in ONLINE only instruction through November 29, 2020.

Unless our community continues to see a surge in COVID-19 cases and quarantines, Murray Independent Schools will return to both in-person and online learning on Monday, November 30, 2020.

MISD will continue providing meals to children ages 0-18. Information on times available and locations is obtainable on the district’s website

On a regular basis, My office and district personnel will continue to evaluate our status, monitor changes and communicate decisions accordingly.

This is a difficult decision. However at the moment, a decision that is necessary to protect the health of students, staff, and community.


Coy D. Samons, Superintendent