Multiple Murray Middle School Award Winners In "Patriot's Pen" Essay Competition
Murray, Ky., Dec. 16--------Local Post 6291 Veterans of Foreign Wars announced winners of their recent “Patriot’s Pen” essay competition. There were a total of 91 contest submissions from throughout Murray, and MMS took top recognitions of the awards in this category. One entrant for each 15 essays are eligible to move forward to the District 1 (West Kentucky). Out of the six essays that were forwarded, Murray Middle School Murray had five. These competed of their own merit, with no indication of their placement in the Local context. Amolika's Chanda’s essay received first place at the District level and was forwarded to the State, where she will be graded against the winners of 13 other districts.
MMS winners are: Amolika Chanda - 1st place (tied), Lee Ann Wortham - 1st Place (tied), Alaina Marie Wortham (3d Place (tied), Honorable Mention - Kerry Vu, and Jackson Kimbro.