Special Education
Destruction of Records Notice
- Individualized Education Programs (IEPs)
- Evaluation Reports
- Test Protocols (Available for inspection only; no copy will be provided)
- Notifications of Meetings
- Conference Summaries of ARC meeting
- Review of Existing Data Summaries
- All other personally identifiable information within the Special Education file*
2024 Parent Involvement Survey
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Murray Independent School District and the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) value your input and want to hear about your experience as a parent or guardian of a child with an Individual Education Program (IEP). The information you offer will give the KDE and Murray Independent School District valuable data on how to improve parent and family engagement.
To collect your input, we ask that you complete a brief survey about how the school supported parent or guardian engagement to improve services and results for your child during the current school year. Specifically, we want to hear about how your child’s school involves you in the special education process. The survey is available in English, Spanish, Arabic, Somali, Swahili, and Amish. All responses are anonymous and cannot be traced back to you or your child.
Or scan QR Code:
Only one parent or guardian per student should complete this survey. However, if you have more than one child with an IEP, please complete the survey for each of your children.
Survey results will be carefully studied by the KDE and the Human Development Institute (HDI) at the University of Kentucky (UK) and reported to the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP). The results will help us further understand what supports parents and districts may need to ensure meaningful parent and family engagement in special education.
The deadline for completing this important survey is June 30, 2024. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact David A. McDowell, by email at david.mcdowell@murray.kyschools.us, or by phone at (270)753-4363.
Thank you for your help.
David A. McDowell
Director of Special Education
Murray Independent School District
The Murray Independent School District offers Special Education services with identified disabilities. To find out more about services offered within the district, contact David McDowell, Director of Special Education, at (270) 761-6512.
All children can learn, but some learn differently. Some children need more help than others because they have a disability. We can help by accepting individual differences at home, at work, and at school. The Murray Independent School District through Child Quest/Child Find activities is interested in finding all children with challenges and giving them a chance to learn.
If you have or know of an infant, toddler, child, or youth who has a disability and is not getting needed special help, please call the Murray Independent School District at (270) 753-4363.
School Psychologist